Because Netscape 2.X and later releases use locked caches, jumpsite icons
attempt to open their URLs through a running Netscape process, using
Netscape's ----rrrreeeemmmmooootttteeee """"ooooppppeeeennnnUUUURRRRLLLL((((_U_R_L,,,, nnnneeeewwww----wwwwiiiinnnnddddoooowwww))))"""" interface. However, it is
possible for Netscape to quit or to not be fully started at the same time
a jumpsite is attempting to load its URL. In this case, Netscape will
fail to load the URL because the ----rrrreeeemmmmooootttteeee interface does not start a new
Netscape process if one is not already running. A second try to open the
jumpsite will usually succeed. If users never quit Netscape during their
login session, they can minimize the possibility of seeing these errors.
If users run _w_e_b_j_u_m_p_e_r remotely, icons they create will be placed on the
remote machine in their default directory.
In the WebFORCE and Desktop Special Edition releases, _w_e_b_j_u_m_p_e_r is in the
netscape.sw.webjumper subsystem. In other releases, it is in the